Sunday, April 11, 2010

Etruscan-inspired gold exhibit sets sail for U.S.

April 08, 2010
goldsmith Akelo's necklaceGold jewelry from Italian master goldsmith Akelo, such as the necklace above, will be on display in a new exhibit opening June 5 in Columbia, Mo.

Columbia, Mo.--Ancient Etruscan-inspired gold jewelry designs will be featured this summer in a first-ever museum exhibition from Italian master goldsmith Andrea Cagnetti, also known as "Akelo."

The exhibition, "The Voyage of a Contemporary Italian Goldsmith in the Classical World: Golden Treasures by Akelo," was conceived and organized by the Museum of Art and Archeology at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Mo., and will open to the public there on June 5.

Akelo creates one-of-a-kind pieces of 22-karat gold jewelry and precious golden objects inspired by the gold designs of the ancient Etruscans, who were known for their fantastic artistry and craftsmanship. The goldsmith's work is based on myths, legends and symbols derived from ancient worlds, which is then rendered in gold via a knowledge of alchemy that is the result of years of in-depth study of ancient and medieval texts.

The exhibition "concentrates on the artist's voyage and ultimate transcendence of the Etruscan, Greek and Roman influences that inspire him as an artist," Mary Pixley, museum curator and exhibition organizer, said in a media release. "Unparalleled technical perfection is married with a timeless classicizing language and the artist's own aesthetic sensibility in Akelo's golden creations."

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