Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Diamond 4 C's

Diamond Quality - Using the 4 C's to Determine Diamond Quality
It is crucial that you make an informed purchase especially when you're looking to buy diamonds. There is a grading system that runs through all of the unique characteristics to make sure that you get the best diamond quality. There is such a thing as the diamond grading certificate that outlines all of the major characteristics of a diamond to ensure that you get your desired order when purchasing diamonds. On the certificate is a list of what experts in the jewelry industry call the "4 C's," which are used to grade a diamond. These four C's are Carat, Cut, Color, and Clarity.


Carat weight is the measure of how heavy the diamond is. The typical carat weight of a diamond is between 0.01 and 1.00. No two diamonds are identical and the only way to determine the value of the diamond is by its carat weight. When purchasing diamonds, keep in mind that it is very important to consider the carat weight of the diamond as it greatly impacts the price.

The cut of the diamond varies depending on the cutter. One must have the skill and precision required to cut diamonds because it is no easy task. How much the light reflects on a diamond depends on the way it has been cut. An excellent cut will emphasize the best features of the diamond and determine its brilliance.

Color :- There is a scale that ranks the colors of the diamonds. The grading system utilizes the alphabet and lists D, which means translucent, at the peak and Z, which means pale yellow, at the lowest.

Clarity :- This establishes the diamond's value by listing the inclusions or the internal characteristics and the blemishes, which reveal any chips or scratches on the surface. A diamond that has the slightest amount of flaws is the one that most shoppers prefer.

This grading system is an objective way of evaluating diamond quality. Consult jewelry experts for an informed purchase and keep in mind the 4 C's to ensure that you're getting your money's worth.

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