Friday, December 4, 2009

Murano glass Jewelry-Cheap Murano Glass Jewelry-All kinds of Glass jewelry

Hello to all our readers, current and future customers, fans, and aficionados of the beautiful fashion statement of Murano glass. We hope to have fun, answer questions you may have, and provide as much information as we can to people who are interested in Murano glass articles. Our blog will be serving two purposes:

1. Make people aware of our Murano glass internet store located at where you will find over 500 individual articles for your viewing pleasure and the opportunity to purchase items if you desire, and;

2. Provide information and education about an art that is over 500 years old to include links to other sites, history, little known facts, photos, and videos. We will also provide information which will help you differentiate between true Murano glass and knockoffs purported to be Murano glass.

For those of you who would like to visit our retail site, please do so. If you have any questions that you may feel would be enlightening to more individuals, please make comments through the blog. If you have website specific questions, please use the contact feature on our retail site.

Future blogs will provide information concerning pricing, sourcing, retail comparisons, information on manufacturers and anything else we (or you) can think of. We look forward to serving you, our customers, the best way we can.

CaterinaArado unLimited

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